History as It Happens: Contributors part I

History as It Happens: Community Bloggers in Lowell, Mass. contains 500 pages of community writing by 40 contributors who cover politics, history, culture, economics and business, education, the environment, crime, urban planning, family, philanthropy, the law, health care, folklife, war and terrorism, media old and new, preservation, religion, sports, social…

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Lowell Walks Goes to Church Tomorrow

Tomorrow’s Lowell walk will be led by Dave McKean and Rosemary Noon. The topic will be churches of Lowell. We will visit St. Anne’s and St. Patrick’s, inside and out and also learn about the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, The First Congregational Church (now known as Smith Baker Center)…

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Observations on the Lowell High Debate

Observations on the Lowell High Debate By Fred Faust Dick Howe expressed the view that Lowell’s social and economic life lies in the values of being a city and not trying to be a suburban wannabe. The city versus the suburbs was a frequent debate point in last evening’s debate,…

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Council Picks Cawley by 5 to 4 vote

Lowell City Council Meeting: June 20, 2017 Vote – Approve a preferred site for Lowell High School. 64 speakers registered to speak. [Resident speakers began at 6:45 pm. They seemed about evenly divided between Cawley and Downtown Option 3. The public input portion of the meeting ended at 10:58]. Mayor…

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