
Checking the Property

Inspired by last week’s Presidential Inauguration, Paul Marion shares this poem from his book, Union River: Poems and Sketches (2017), available at www.loompress.com CHECKING THE PROPERTY by Paul Marion My nine-year-old son says, “I’m going to read the ‘Gettysburg Address.’” What’s the Lincoln shorthand? Freed the slaves, saved the union.…

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New Poem by Marie Louise St. Onge

Epiphany Marie Louise St.Onge It’s time to remove what has grown into an overstatement despite its simple beginnings when you mindfully, with each in-breath, placed each white light on the intended branch just before the snow fell and the temperature dove to a lower more chafing number. When you consciously…

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Mexicali Angels

Mexicali Angels   By Jim Provencher   A chorus of angels soars through the dusty streets of a Mexicali morning. It could be anywhere along the Line—cartel-torn, half-deserted, furtive, uneasy. Still, children are singing— It’s Christmastime after all, and I follow the sound into a white-washed adobe chapel where small…

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New Poem by Mike McCormick

November 22, 1963 By Mike McCormick Silent prayers poured from my heart as I trudged through lifeless leaves, walking directly home from St. James School. After dinner, Dad suggested we drive to the River. He downshifted the jeep into the blackness of a vacant lot, killed the engine, lit a…

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A Football Poem by Mike McCormick

Two Kids and Their Dad Attending High School Football  By Mike McCormick Even as we stepped out the front door into the welcoming late morning sun to climb into the jeep for the drive to the high school game, Dad, my brother, and I anticipated the hours when we would…

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