New Meets Old
The City Library within the City Library
Poems About the Loom Lords
Moses Greeley Parker Lectures, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2 PM Kevin Gallagher – Poetry Reading: Lords of the Loom Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center, 246 Market St., Downtown Lowell Gallagher will read and discuss his new book, “Loom,” which traces how the men who built the backbone of American capitalism—the…
Read More »Lowell Week in Review: October 16, 2016
Lowell Walks wraps up 2016 season Yesterday’s beautiful weather drew 105 people to the final Lowell Walk of 2016. Jane Calvin of Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust led us along the Lawrence Street portion of the Concord River Greenway and then onto Centennial Island, the home of the West End…
Read More »Western Avenue Studios: Link to Downtown
I’m more convinced than ever that the artists complex called Western Avenue Studios (WAS), with its base of nearly 300 resident artists, should have an easily accessible route to and from downtown and the city’s historic district. I was there yesterday with my UMass Lowell faculty colleague Adam Baacke and our…
Read More »John F. Quealey, 1936-2016
John Quealey died last week and was buried yesterday. Many attended his wake at Fay-McCabe Funeral Home. While there, Tony Sampas captured the following images: When I became Register of Deeds, John was a custodian at the courthouse. We saw each other daily, and always spoke of Lowell, its people,…
Read More »Nobel Prize-Winner Bob Dylan in Lowell, 2013 (encore)
The latest recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature performed at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell in 2013. He’s been to Lowell a few times before. Here’s a replay of my report.—PM Bob Dylan in Lowell, Another Side I’m glad I went down to the river last night. The…
Read More »Congratulations, Bob Dylan for Earning the Nobel Prize in Literature
Today’s Nobel Prize-winner Bob Dylan in Lowell in November, 1975, is seen below with fellow poet Allen Ginsberg at the Edson Cemetery grave of Jack Kerouac (1922-1969), whose writings influenced the young Dylan. Bob Dylan brought his Rolling Thunder Revue to Lowell in tribute to Kerouac and performed with his…
Read More »‘Pawtucket Prism’ Sculpture Renewal
Artist Michio Ihara of Concord, Mass., is in the city this week with his team working on the renewal of his “Pawtucket Prism” sculpture at the Lower Locks canal complex overlooking the Concord River and Pawtucket Canal, right by the UMass Lowell Inn & Conference Center. Here are some in-progress…
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