
More on Frederick Ayer

Here’s some more information on Frederick Ayer to accompany Marie’s post from earlier today: Frederick Ayer died on March 14, 1918 in Thomasville, Georgia where he was spending the winter. He was 93 years old and had been one of Lowell’s wealthiest and most influential citizens. According to “The Biographical…

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Car Break Alert

The Lowell Police Department blog reports and uptick in break-ins to cars in the city, especially in South Lowell and Lower Belvidere. The police point out that in two-thirds of the breaks, the car doors were left unlocked. They urge everyone to always lock car doors and to refrain from…

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Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) Meet Saturday June 19th / Dick Howe “Social Media” Presentation

The regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area Democrats will be held this Saturday June 19, 2010 at 8am SHARP at the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford. In addition to the regular agenda Dick Howe – Register of Deeds Middlesex North – will do a presentation on…

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