
Atty Louis M Saab, RIP

At 7 this morning, our eager-for-her-walk dog, dragged me out of the house. As we stepped onto Westview Road, a police car with lights flashing was just pulling to a stop a few houses away. An ambulance, the ladder truck from Branch Street, EMTs and more police all arrived at…

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Cultural Conservation: Jazz

We’re always interested in a good preservation story in Lowell, so here’s one involving the National Jazz Museum in Harlem in NYC and long-rumored legendary recordings of jazz artists from the 1930s that will be preserved and shared with the public. Read the article by Larry Rohter here, and consider…

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In Lowell, there’s a debate about the future of the Pawtucket Falls Dam. There’s another debate about allowing alcohol to be served at a business adjacent to a temple. Behind the discussion are people’s feelings about the power of place, the meaning of certain special places. The concept of place is all…

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