Looking forward to the President’s State of the Union address tonight. Remembering January 2009 and the massive gathering on the National Mall for the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Here’s a look at the scene by Susan Walsh, a photographer from the Associated Press (web photo courtesy of boston.com) Here’s…
Please welcome Paul Belley and his new blog, Captains Log, to the Lowell blogosphere. Paul has long been active in community affairs in the city and in his neighborhood, and will add a great new voice to the city’s online conversation. Please visit his site, read his posts, and make…
Today’s front-page Boston Globe story, McLaughlin raised money for Murray, employees say. Fund-raising may have been illegal; worries kept lieutenant governor awake on night of crash, contains some fascinating revelations. For instance, Lt Governor Tim Murray’s worry/anger-induced sleeplessness in response to the revelations about McLaughlin may have contributed to the…
Earlier this week I wrote about the amazing similarities between a January 7th Lowell Sun editorial and a January 5th Boston Globe article (which Gerry Nutter investigated further HERE). In a comment to my post, Mike Luciano alluded to a piece he had written several years ago in which he…
What about that Gingrich win? Read this from the Red State blog, courtesy of realclearpolitics.com. And don’t you think it’s strange that the national GOP got tagged with the “red” label, given all the anti-socialist talk coming from those megaphones? Which art director at which national TV network first decided to color code…
Check out Lowell Resident, the latest addition to the city’s always-active blogosphere. I’ve added a link to the site in our Blog Roll in the right hand sidebar. Let me also invite others to jump in. The mechanics are pretty easy. Just create a Google account (or log in if…
With the currrent talk about city charter change in the air, I am copying and sharing here my comment on Gerry Nutter’s blog from a few days ago for the rh.com readers who are following the developing community conversation around this topic: Lowell is the envy of many cities of its size.…
MassMoments reminds us that on this day – January 21, 1861 – the Sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia was formally organized. In early January 1861, as civil war approached, the men of Massachusetts began to form volunteer militia units. Many workers in the textile cities of Lowell and Lawrence were among the first to join…
I don’t know why I’ve been watching as much TV news coverage of the Republican Party contest for the presidential nomination. I avoid Fox, but even on CNN and MSNBC and what we used to call the “network news” the reporting is staggeringly shallow. All the talk today, and this…
Edgar Allen Poe Lowell, Massachusetts, late May to early June 1849 Daguerreotype On this day – January 19, 1809 – American short-story writer, poet, critic and editor Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Poe poularized the short-story and his tales of mystery and horror gave birth to the modern detective story. Among…