
Greater Lowell Area Democrats to Meet Tomorrow Saturday June 16, 2012

Reminder for next GLAD Meeting TOMORROW! Greater Lowell Area Democrats Regular  Breakfast Meeting  Saturday June  16, 2012 8:00 AM Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel  Rte. 110 in Chelmsford Please join us at this meeting of area Democrats. Marie Sweeney, GLAD Chair sweeney133@verizon.net The agenda will include: election of officers;  a…

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Lowell SeeClickFix report

There have been several announcements recently that the city of Lowell is now using a web tool called SeeClickFix to better allow residents to communicate non-emergency problems to City Hall. A concise explanation of SeeClickFix can be found in this Wikipedia entry. You can access the site anonymously and either…

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Lowell Tweet-Up Tonight

Anyone interested in social media in Lowell should stop by Ward Eight, the (relatively) new restaurant & pub at 280 Central Street (at the corner of Central and Green in the former JJ Turner’s Pub) at 5:30 tonight. Many of the city’s most active Twitter users will be gathering there…

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