Current Events

“Minimal Scrutiny” by John Edward

John Edward teaches economics at Bentley and UMass Lowell. He’s a frequent contributor of columns on economic issues. Here is his latest: There are three things certain in life. Benjamin Franklin identified death and taxes. The third certainty is that without taxes and government intervention, people will die. Two years…

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CTI’s Secure Jobs Initiative

In the public and nonprofit sectors, aid to those without jobs and to those who are homeless are typically provided by separate agencies with little coordination. But in reality, joblessness is one of the leading causes of homelessness so it stands to reason that helping formerly homeless people get and…

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Bill Nye to UMass Lowell graduates

Bill Nye – scientist, engineer, author and inventor best known as “the Science Guy” from his award-winning TV show – was the commencement speaker at yesterday’s UMass Lowell graduation at the Tsongas Center. The media office of UMass Lowell sent out some excerpts from Nye’s remarks to the graduates. Here…

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