Current Events

LTC opens renovated facility

Last night Lowell Telecommunications Corporation, the city’s public access cable TV station, held the grand opening of its new/renovated facility on Market Street. In its original configuration, LTC occupied a ground floor portion of the refurbished mill building and a second floor portion that was offset from the ground floor.…

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Subsidizing big mortgages

Should your tax dollars be used to subsidize mortgages of up to $750,000? My guess is that most people would say no to that and the Feds will soon be bringing policy in line with those sentiments. As reported in today’s New York Times, the size of home mortgages that…

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Middlesex Community College Leadership Recognition Ceremony

The entry below is being cross posted from the Middlesex Community College blog. Once again, MCC’s students rocked the house at this year’s Leadership Recognition Ceremony run by the Student Activities office!  The annual awards dinner is getting bigger and bigger each year, recognizing MCC’s best and brightest. The James…

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