An apple a day is the right thing. An apple plus a carrot is even better. Writing in the NYTimes, Natasha Singer looks into “prescription produce” and the sickness prevention benefits of real food, i.e., fruit and vegetables. Massachusetts public policy gets high praise in this article. Lowell and the surrounding towns offer farmers’…
The Lowell Quilt Festival continues at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Merrimack Repertory Theatre, the NE Quilt Museum, and other locations around the city on Friday (10 am – 6 pm) and Saturday (10 am – pm). For the full schedule and event details, visit
The Globe and include an occasional feature about travels called “Passport” that is written by people in the Boston area, a kind of citizen journalism feature. This article by young student Akshan deAlwis describes a recent trip to Cambodia. The focus is a visit to the Angkor Association of the…
While we are talking about books, here is the link to an excerpt from Neil Miller’s new book “Banned in Boston” from Beacon Press, which appeared in the Boston Globe Magazine this past Sunday. The book delves into the history of the notorious and powerful Watch and Ward Society that…
I’m not the first to say this is a powerful book. Filkins won awards from the National Book Critics Circle and NYTimes Book Review. It was a best-seller in hardcover. I lent my first copy to someone, and it went into the book-loan twilight zone, which is why I bought…
UMass Lowell’s Frank Talty provided the following details about the archaeological project in the Acre. Frank is director of academic programs in the College of Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. He’s been instrumental in shaping the project in collaboration with administrators and faculty at Queens College in Belfast. Following is an excerpt from…
The front page of “The Arts” section in the NYTimes has an article about the long and winding road to the cinema screen for the mostly Lowell-filmed Micky Ward bio-pic “The Fighter,” starring Mark Wahlberg as the boxer, Christian Bale, and Amy Adams, among others. The nationwide release date is…
People are reading about Lowell’s Irish-American roots all over New England this morning. The UMass Lowell/Queens University of Northern Ireland archaeological project on the grounds of St. Patrick Church in the Acre earned major coverage in the Boston Globe today (bottom of Page One). I was on a National Park canal tour…
Writing this week in the NYT, columnist Bob Herbert decried the educational slippage in the nation. He says we’re collectively, but especially the younger and up-and-coming generations, getting softer intellectually. He cites figures. UMass Lowell, I should say, is doing its part to buck the trend described in the column. Note the comments, too, which…
I read Marie’s post about the Coffee Party before I went to buy groceries at the Market Basket at Stadium Plaza, Rte. 38 in Tewksbury (I always think I’m still in Lowell there). Anyway, I was standing in line with my number waiting to be called on at the deli…