Please Hold for Mr. Marek By David Daniel From the New York Times obituary, March 25, 2020: When Richard Marek was a young editor at Scribner’s in Manhattan in the early 1960s, he was entrusted with one of the literary world’s most important manuscripts, “A Moveable Feast,” Ernest Hemingway’s intimate…
Thanks to Louise Peloquin for sharing the schedule for this year’s Franco-American Week Lowell’s 2022 Franco-American Festival Week begins Sunday, June 19. Here is the schedule of events. Sunday, June 19: 12:00 pm Mass in French honoring St. Jean Baptiste and dedicated to recently deceased Biloxi Bishop Roger Morin of…
On June 6, 1944, American, British, and Canadian troops landed on the shore of Normandy while airborne troops arrived inland. The great battle to seize back northwest Europe from the Germans commenced. As with every other battle in World War II, men from Lowell were involved in D-Day. First Lieutenant…
John J. Shaughnessy was born in Lowell on October 16, 1917, the son of Edward and Anna O’Donnell of 1091 Gorham Street. He graduated from the Sacred Heart School and Lowell High School. On October 16, 1940 – his 23rd birthday – Shaughnessy registered for the draft at the Elks…
On Friday, June 10, 2022, at 1 p.m., the Pollard Memorial Library will host a screening of the new film, Jack Kerouac’s Road, followed by an interview with the film’s director, Herménégilde Chiasson, a French-Canadian director, playwright, and journalist who is also the former Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick. Part documentary,…
Boarding School Blues: Chapter 37 By Louise Peloquin Never too many, never too much Sister Claudette wasn’t expecting anyone that evening in the two-hundred-square-foot library adjacent to study hall. The elfin nun in her seventies was bent over a thick black tome and didn’t hear Blanche’s footsteps. Her eyes peered…
In the middle of St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Lowell, just to the left of the chapel, sits a large rectangular piece of granite inscribed in memory of the graduates of Keith Academy who died while serving in the military during World War II. Located in the former Middlesex County jail…
William Thomas Callery was born on August 16, 1945, in Lowell. His parents, Francis A. Callery and Mary T. Callery, eventually moved the family to 134 Parker Street which was just a few blocks from Tyler Park. William had four siblings: brothers Francis T. and John J. and sisters Sheila…
I delivered the following remarks in May 2019 at the Greater Lowell Veterans Council Memorial Day service at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium. For the past several years on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, we’ve made frequent mention of World War I in recognition of the centennial observance of that conflict.…
“Operation Duke” – 1966 in Vietnam By Dean Contover It was 3:00 a.m. in Qui Nhon, Vietnam when we were awakened by the staff sergeant to go to the mess hall for breakfast and to be briefed. One hundred and eighty-seven engineers were hand-picked for this operation which was to…