Author Archive

United States v Arizona

The United States of America today filed suit against the state of Arizona and its governor, Janice Brewer, in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The Complaint can be read here and it makes a persuasive case that the Arizona law is unconstitutional on a number…

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“Downtown Detour Notice”

From the city of Lowell’s website (see diagram at link): MARKET/CENTRAL/PRESCOTT IMPROVEMENTS The Contractor will need to implement Stage 1 and Stage 2 Detours at Central/Market/Prescott Intersection beginning on Wednesday July 7th at 7:00AM through Thursday July 8th at 9:00AM. This detour is necessary to finish paving the roadway surface…

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My constant companions on early morning runs around the neighborhood are dozens of gray squirrels who are furiously digging in every front yard on my route. They mostly ignore me although yesterday I interrupted two in the midst of a date and they scurried off. I don’t do bird feeders,…

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Heat Wave

Former UMass Lowell soccer player Danielle Niles, the AM weather reporter on New England Cable News, just told viewers that the temperature in Lowell today will reach 98 degrees with 80 percent humidity (To put that in perspective, the humidity level around here last Friday, a stunning day, was only…

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“War on the Run” by John F. Ross

I just finished reading “War on the Run: The Epic Story of Robert Rogers and the Conquest of America’s First Frontier” by John F. Ross, the executive editor of American Heritage magazine. Rogers was born in Methuen along the banks of the Spicket River in 1732 but his family moved…

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Charles Cowley – Week 4

In 1868, Lowell resident Charles Cowley wrote the “Illustrated History of Lowell”, a book filled with fascinating facts about our city. Here’s my fourth weekly compilation of “tweeting” from Cowley’s book: June 29 – On October 29, 1727 an earthquake caused walls and chimneys to fall throughout the Merrimack Valley…

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In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which…

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Midyear Real Estate Report: It’s Bleak

Yesterday’s national unemployment figures provide further evidence that our nation’s economic “recovery” may be sputtering. The performance of the local real estate market over the first half of 2010 tends to confirm that conclusion. For the ten communities in the Middlesex North Registry District (Lowell and nine surrounding towns), the…

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Stevens Street Detour

For the next few weeks there will be a major disruption of traffic in the Highlands as Stevens Street from the intersection with Parker (at St Margarets School) to the intersection with Chelmsford Street (at Cross Point) will be closed to traffic from 7 am to 5 pm. The blockage…

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