Susan April sent us a new essay about a time when she was growing up in Lowell in the Highlands neighborhood. I don’t want to give away the turn in the narrative, so I’ll leave it here. Susan is a past contributor to this publication. Her work has appeared in…
Influenza 1918 by Jane Brox Writer Jane Brox grew up in Dracut on her family’s farm. Now living on the coast of Maine, she is the author of several books including Here and Nowhere Else: Late Seasons of a Farm and Its Family, Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light (a…
Theresa Batalogianis or T. R. Monaghan for the literary world is our new addition to the “Literary Lowell+” growing catalogue of writers, poets, playwrights, historians, and others who are working with words and books in the area. She wrote to us to tell us how she wrote and published her…
Ink drawing of Page’s Clock by Richard Marion, c. 1975 (Menu text from the 20th century, maybe early 1940s) Page’s Restaurant At the Clock in the Square, Lowell, Massachusetts Wine List, Cocktail Bar Main Dining Room … Private Dining Room (Second Floor) Fountain Specials on Back Page Whiskies Straight or…
From “History of Chelmsford” by Wilson Waters and Henry Spaulding Perham (Courier Citizen, 1917): “… Down as late as 1820, there were caught, mostly at this spot [site of the large mill of the Middlesex Company], and at the foot of Pawtucket falls, twenty-five hundred barrels of salmon, shad, and…
Rosemary and I were lucky enough to get tickets to the sold-out New Year’s Eve celebration organized by the ever-active Made in Lowell group led by Tobi Marx and his team. At least 350 people converged on the majestic stone “cathedral” that was once St Jean Baptiste church (also Nuestra…
Before Luna Theatre, before the Lowell Film Collaborative, there was FLICKS! (For Lowell Interesting Cinema KaperS!), a local film society that was popular in the early 1980s. The organization screened films, often at the Speare House restaurant on Pawtucket Boulevard (it was near the Dunkin Donuts, opposite the UMass Lowell…
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. “In Our Youth Our Hearts Were Touched With Fire” [An address delivered for Memorial Day, May 30, 1884, at Keene, NH, before John Sedgwick Post No. 4, Grand Army of the Republic.] Not long ago I heard a young man ask why people still kept up…
On the Cultural Road: City of World Culture, Strategies for the Creative Economy in Lowell, Massachusetts A lot of thought, effort, and money were invested in developing this road map for cultural development several years go. The first Lowell Cultural Plan (1986) was at least a ten-year campaign. That report was revised…
In her book Monuments and Memory: History and Representation in Lowell, Massachusetts (Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002), Martha Norkunas, Ph.D., writes about the South Common: “In 1845 the mayor of Lowell, Elisha Huntington, recognized that the city needed open public spaces beyond those of the Lowell Cemetery. The city purchased ten…