Good News – John Walsh on the Mend

E-mail from the Massachusetts Democratic Party Executive Director: I want to send you some great news: Our chair, John Walsh, is home and feeling fine. As you may have heard, he had what his doctors are calling a ‘mild” heart attack. He was released from South Shore Hospital today and…

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Ain’t I the Lucky One?

I just received the email below…Believe it or not, I have had other opportunities like this but have ignored them. Shame on me! Dear Sir/Madam RE: INSTRUCTION TO CREDIT YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE SUM OF £5,500,000.00. We wish to congratulate and inform you that after thorough review and evaluation of…

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3D Printing

While visiting Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry (an amazing place that’s entitled to a future post all its own) I saw a 3D Printer in operation. I’d previously read about the amazing things these printers can do and how they will radically change our lives in the not-to-distant future,…

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