Comcast down, Twitter up

After ten years of hosting and maintaining websites, I fully understand that unexpected problems do occur, so I have a bit of sympathy for Comcast over last evening’s massive outage of that company’s internet service. But not too much sympathy, because Comcast is, after all, a billion dollar company that…

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Jim DiPaola’s career in politics

The news that Middlesex County Sheriff James DiPaola died suddenly today was stunning and saddening. I’ll leave it to others to report on the circumstances of his passing but perhaps a short summary of his political career might be appropriate. Motivated by last week’s news of DiPaola’s retirement, I wrote…

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Political patronage and hazing

Between the recent release of the report on corrupt hiring practices in the state’s probation department and the cancellation of several high school sporting events, patronage and corruption have been much in the news. In his “Talking Politics” blog at the Boston Phoenix, columnist David Bernstein makes a connection between…

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