Triangle Shirtwaist Fire: March 25, 1911

One hundred years ago today one of the deadliest fires in American history occurred at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City. The company occupied the upper floors of the Asch Building (shown below) which is just east of Washington Square Park and Greenwich Village. Despite the heavy loss…

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Coming in April: Lowell Film Festival

Its still a month off, but you want to mark your calendar for this great event coming up at the Lowell Film Festival. Beginning April 28 through April 30 the festival presents Lowell on the Churn: The American Civil War, 1861-Present. In their own words… To commemorate the 150th anniversary…

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Schedule for Redistricting Hearings

Current Congressional Legislative Districts from the Special Joint Committee Website In the continued effort to get local citizen input, the Special Joint Committee on Redistricting has posted additional hearing dates and sites on the SJCR website. This is a list of the hearings schedule to date: — Saturday, March 26, 10…

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All Politics Really Is Local and According to Glen Johnson “Awesome”

Don’t miss Boston Globe Politics Editor Glen Johnson’ s piece on the “Political Intelligence” page today. The Lowell references and the flurry of local town and city elections should pique our Merrimack Valley interest. Glen Johnson spent some years toiling at the Lowell SUN – so he knows only too well of which…

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Greg Page and Mass Eye and Ear

A variety of eye maladies has kept me visiting the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary regularly for the past dozen years. I’ve always been pleased and thankful for the treatment I’ve received there, so much so that this year I began making a modest donation to the hospital’s annual fund.…

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