Reminder for Tomorrow March 27th: LHS Civil War Program at NPS Visitors’ Center

The Lowell Historical Society’s  “Lowell and the Civil War” presentation with Dick Howe as the guest speaker is tomorrow morning at 11:30am  at the Lowell National Historical Park’s Visitors’ Center at 246 Market Street. Repost: Lowell Historical Society Presents a Series on Lowell’s Sixth Regiment in the Civil War and Beyond  Richard P. Howe Jr.,…

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‘Pinky’s Gospel’

My uncle Frank died this week. Francis “Pinky” Roy was my late mother’s youngest brother. He lived for years in New Hampshire after an adventurous life that took him from the Centralville neighborhood of Lowell to Europe in World War II to California, Florida, and other states. He was a meat-cutter by trade,…

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Catching up on the news

It’s Friday night and I have a few minutes to catch up on the news. Here are some things that caught my eye: A year or so ago the New York Times launched a hyperlocal blog covering the Fort Green neighborhood in Brooklyn. I glance at it occasionally to see…

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Katy Perry Inspired by Kerouac

The Kerouac House (writer in residence program in Orlando, Fla.) posted a link on Facebook to a video of singer Katy Perry talking about her new song “Firework,”  which she says was inspired by the writing of Jack Kerouac in “On the Road.” The source link is at Katy Perry performed at the…

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