In the Merrimack Valley: “Dawg House” Opens at Lawton’s Former Site

 The bun’s the thing! As we’ve mentioned before the proprietor of the well-known Lawton’s Famous Frankfruter establishment on the banks of a Lawrence canal has decamped with the historic secret recipe with plans to open in another spot in the neighborhood. (See original post here) The current property owner planned to reopen the…

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Remember the Comments

This seems an obvious thing to say, but if you are a regular reader, don’t overlook the Comments accessed at the bottom of each post or listed on the right side of the page. Our reader-contributors are some of the best of their kind you will encounter.

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In the Merrimack Valley: Amenities Needed in Andover’s River Road Area

All over the Merrimack Valley the towns are gearing up for Town Meeting. The town budget is probably the hottest issue issue faced by voters. But other issues also need consideration.   The Eagle-Tribune’s Jonathan Phelps writes this morning about an overlay plan for the River Road/Route 93 district that could appease the complains of  both…

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Supt Scott a finalist in Cleveland

According to this story from, Lowell Superintendent of Schools Chris Scott is one of eight finalists for the school superintendent position in Cleveland. Here’s what the article says about Scott: Lowell, Massachusetts Public Schools Superintendent Chris Augusta Scott became the superintendent of Lowell public schools in March, 2008. Before…

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The Royal Wedding

On the rare occasion I’m watching TV these days, nothing will cause me to change the channel faster than a story on the Royal Wedding. I don’t mean to sound curmudgeonly, but who cares? My negativity is not the result of my Irish heritage nor some kind of popular embrace…

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