Subsidizing big mortgages

Should your tax dollars be used to subsidize mortgages of up to $750,000? My guess is that most people would say no to that and the Feds will soon be bringing policy in line with those sentiments. As reported in today’s New York Times, the size of home mortgages that…

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UMass Lowell Offers Tuition-Free Option to Some Community College Grads

Today’s Globe is carrying this AP story about yesterday’s announcement that UMass Lowell is offering a free-tution incentive to certain students graduating from any of the Commonwealth’s fifteen community colleges. While no panecea since other fees and costs are still due, any tuition assistance would be helpful to college students…

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Lowell High School Unarmed Drill Team

The video below shows Lowell High School’s 2010-2011 AFJROTC unarmed regulation drill team in training. AFJROTC is an acronym for Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp. “AFJROTC is a four-year program citizenship program combining a broadly based aerospace science curriculum and the total development of management and leadership abilities”…

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