Marciano Takes Title September 23, 1952

Fifty Nine years ago today Brockton’s own Rocky Marciano knocked out Jersey Joe Walcott in what many fight aficionados call the greatest knockout in history. The twenty eight year old Marciano was a heavy underdog when he entered the ring that night against the more experienced Walcott. After thirteen rounds…

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Markets Dive

Here’s the latest on today’s stock market dive from NYTimes. Could investors be signalling that it is time for action and that doing nothing is not an option? I heard one analyst on the radio saying that experts and politicians claimed they were caught by surprise in 2008 when Wall…

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Thoughts on last night’s council forum

I devoted most of my attention last night to video-recording the opening and closing statements of the sixteen candidates in attendance at the neighborhood group-sponsored forum at the Dom Polski Club. Last night I posted links to all of those videos. I did pay attention to what the candidates had…

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Meet Fred Doyle

At last night’s City Council forum at the Dom Polski Club, several political activists who are (relatively) new to the Lowell scene, didn’t quite know what to make of council candidate Fred Doyle. By historic standards, Fred was on the tamer side last night. To give you a taste of…

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