Closing statements

Warren: Talked a lot about fighting for America’s middle class. My family scraped by until dad had a heart attack. Bills piled up. I worked hard for everything I got. But I grew up in an America of opportunity. We have now lost our way. Washington is rigged for the…

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More debate questions

Housing question: How do you help young people stay here when they can’t afford to buy a home? Khazei says higher ed is great asset. We need a home insurance program that protects against defaults. We should help people refinance to lower rates. Also promote new business startups. Massie says…

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Health care question

How will you protect funding for Planned Parenthood (online question from UML student). Conroy says always been a huge advocate of woman’s right to choose and would continue that. DeFranco says she has a strong record for fighting for woman’s right to choose. Khazei says Brown originally voted to defund…

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Questions from the internet

What would you do to create jobs? Massie says supports jobs bill; long term must create innovation economy which is path to future. Cites relevant experience. Robinson supports jobs bill, supports reducing cap gains on IPOs. Says we should tie tax rate of very wealthy to how well economy is…

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Lightning Round

Lightning Round: Brown paid for law school by posing in Cosmo. How did you pay? Warren says “Well I kept my clothes on.” Then says she went to a public university, worked, took out jobs, etc. The others all say about the same, loans, help for parents, jobs, spouses, etc.…

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First round of questions

What makes you think you can win? to Conroy. Calls himself best hope to beat Scott Brown; to give voice to all those who have felt disenfranchised. Wants to compare his voting record as a state rep to Scott Brown’s. Calls Brown and “empty suit with an empty list” of…

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Debate begins

Chancellor Meehan takes stage, asks folks to restrict applause. Invites everyone to post debate gathering at UML Inn and Conference Center. Candidates take stage. Facing crowd from left to right: Conroy, DeFranco, Khazei, Massie, Robinson and Warren. 7:01 pm: Chancellor Meehan opens with welcoming remarks to audience and webviewers. Mentions…

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In debate hall

Fifteen minutes before start time; hall is full. Stage set up with six semi-easy chairs for candidates to the right. Each chair separated by a small wooden end table. There’s a podium for the moderator slightly to the left of center stage and two long banquet tables with blue skirting…

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Live Blogging tonight’s debate

I’m bringing my laptop with me to tonight’s Democratic US Senate debate at UMass Lowell. The debate begins at 7 pm and I plan to do periodic posts through the evening as the event progresses, so check back frequently. Hopefully the rain will go away by then so the pre-debate…

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