“Meanderings” by Jim Peters

Frequent contributor Jim Peters shares some thoughts on modern politics: I get an awfully lot of email and mail from the Democratic Party of both Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., and just once I would like to open one that says “Thank You for Your Fifty Years of Service and Allegiance…

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Notes from UTL candidates debate

While I video recorded the opening and closing statements of all the candidates at the United Teachers of Lowell candidates forum last night (see previous posts for council candidates and school committee coming maybe tomorrow night), the candidates were also asked questions of varying relevance by a panel. I didn’t…

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UML Grant Series: “Let’s Talk About It: Making Sense of the American Civil War”

University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries awarded grant from ALA and NEH to host Civil War reading and discussion series LOWELL, MA – University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries received a $3,000 grant from the American Library Association (ALA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to host “Let’s Talk About…

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L Rodger Currie, RIP

When I flipped to the obituary page of today’s Globe and found myself staring into the eyes of the World War Two airman shown above, I just had to read the story. Imagine my surprise when I learned the deceased, L. Rodger Currie, was a “longtime dentist in Chelmsford” who…

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