Visual Dispatches from the Vietnam War

Earlier in August, a Boston Globe review of a photographic exhibit at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, New Hampshire. “Visual dispatches from the Vietnam War” consists of 35 iconic photographs from that war with explanatory captions and other material to provide context. Many of the images are hauntingly…

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A visit to Manchester NH

We headed to Manchester, New Hampshire today to see an exhibition of photography from the Vietnam War (which I’ll cover in another post). Entirely by coincidence, our trip involved a lot of things that began with the letter “C”. The photo exhibit was at the Currier Museum of Art. We…

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Even accepting without question the conclusion that chemical weapons were used by the Syrian government against civilian targets within that country, I don’t think we should attack Syria. Yes, chemical weapons are inhumane and violate every civilized convention of behavior especially when used against those incapable of protecting themselves, but…

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