South Common, June 1944

An image from Lowell High School Field Day in June 1944 contributed by Eleanor Sullivan at a Mass. Memories Road Show event at the Boott Cotton Mills Museum of Lowell National Historical Park. The photo was published by the University Archives and Special Collections at UMass Boston, and can be…

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City Council Meeting: April 22, 2014

Councilors Samaras and Leahy absent. Public Safety Subcommittee Report by Chair of Committee, Councilor Rourke. Reviewed three motions. First regarding use of Narcan by Lowell first responders. Fire department is six weeks away from its use. Fire union supports the effort which will also include “epi” pens. Next motions was…

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Candidates visit GLAD meeting

The Greater Lowell Area Democrats held their monthly meeting at the Chelmsford Radisson yesterday morning and heard from a number of candidates who will be on the ballot for the September 9, 2014 Democratic primary. Here’s who was there and what they had to say: Martha Coakley, candidate for Governor…

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Dennis Lehane Making Sense

“As a country, we used to respect knowledge that was earned over knowledge that was cherry picked.” —Dennis Lehane, Boston Globe,4/1/9/14 In today’s Boston Globe, author Dennis Lehane thinks aloud about the Boston Marathon Bombing, knowledge vs. opinion, intellectual relativism, bad narratives, and his belief that good ideas will prevail.…

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