“No on Question 1” by John Edward

John Edward teaches economics at Bentley and UMass Lowell. He’s a frequent contributor of columns on economic issues. Question 1: A YES VOTE would eliminate the requirement that the state’s gas tax be adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index. Proponents of question 1 observe that under current law…

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Lowell History from International Institute

Historians at UMass Lowell continue to mine the newly rediscovered archives of the International Institute of Lowell for stories and photographs that help tell the story of the organization and of the city of Lowell.  This photo shows at Arabic language class taught by Mrs. Victoria Estfam at the Institute. …

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Lowell City Council Meeting: October 21, 2014

Meeting opens with council recognizing all who participated in last Saturday’s Centralville neighborhood cleanup, especially the more than 100 Lowell High Jr ROTC cadets who participated (40 of whom were present at this meeting). Rita Mercier asks City Clerk Michael Geary to explain procedure for minutes of executive sessions.  Clerk…

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Lowell Week in Review: October 19, 2014

Governor Patrick in Lowell It was great to see Governor Patrick in Lowell on Tuesday, bringing even more state money to the city.   The Governor’s opening comment – that when he looked around he could not see a building that had not benefited from state funding in some way –…

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