Lowell Week in Review: July 5, 2015

With no city council meeting on the Fourth of July holiday, this was a quiet week in Lowell politics.  It was also the halfway point of 2015.  This week I’ll take a step back and take a broader view on two fronts: the upcoming city election and the Lowell real…

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Some thoughts on Independence Day

Joseph Plumb Martin was born in 1760 in Western Massachusetts and enlisted in the Continental Army as a teenager at the start of the war and served for the duration.  In 1830, he anonymously published a memoir of his service called A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier.  I picked up…

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South Common Crowd

At the end of the afternoon yesterday, there were more than 100 people enjoying the South Common—dozens of kids swimming in the blue pool, more young people running in races, small children at the playground, basketball players on the court, older health-walkers from Bishop Markham Village, people taking their  big…

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FLICKS! (1983)

Before Luna Theatre, before the Lowell Film Collaborative, there was FLICKS! (For Lowell Interesting Cinema KaperS!), a local film society that was popular in the early 1980s. The organization screened films, often at the Speare House restaurant on Pawtucket Boulevard (it was near the Dunkin Donuts, opposite the UMass Lowell…

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Literary Lowell

This past Saturday, eighty people participated in the Literary Lowell edition of Lowell Walks.  Tour guide Sean Thibodeau, the Coordinator of Community Programming at the Pollard Memorial Library, prepared a handout that listed many books about Lowell or written by people from Lowell, and added the names of other notable…

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Lowell Folk Festival Coming Soon

The following post appears on the Keepers of Tradition blog which is written by Maggie Holtzberg, Ph.D., the Commonweath’s Folklorist at the Massachusetts Cultural Council.  The Lowell Folk Festival is held each year in Lowell during the last weekend of July.  The full schedule for this year is available on…

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