“Meanderings” by Jim Peters

The latest from regular contributor Jim Peters: One of my good friends told me the other day that he could not read my blogs sometimes because they were so full of history and notes on historical facts.  So, I promised him a new Meanderings.  Here it is.      I…

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My view ~ Marty Meehan Lowell neighborhood kid becomes President of the University of Massachusetts

My view from the visitor’s gallery/EM Kennedy Institute for the US Senate   A few thoughts about Marty Meehan’s rise from a Lowell neighborhood kid to becoming President of the University of Massachusetts…  I’ve known Marty since he was fifteen years old … while we haven’t always run in the…

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After decades of work ~ Lowell Police Court Naturalization Records Available

Genealogist Walter Hickey has long wanted and worked hard for years to have these Lowell Police Court Naturalization records available for informational and research purposes. In partnership with LowellIrish, the links to search these records are now available on-line. Along with his research in Lowell Irish History, the history of…

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Lowell City Council Meeting: November 10, 2015

Vote authorizing City Manager to execute Massachusetts School Building Authority feasibility study agreement relative to Lowell High School.   CM Murphy explains that on November 18 at the MSBA meeting the city is expected to be “invited in” to the feasibility study process which is 3 months earlier than had been…

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Mehmed Ali: War and Peace

Fred Faust, principal of The Edge Group, Inc., a real estate consulting firm, previously was an assistant to U.S. Senator Paul Tsongas. He shares the following essay: This is another entry in a series about people in the Greater Lowell area who have taken initiative and achieved special things including…

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Lowell Week in Review: November 8, 2015

City Election Voters opted to stay the course on Tuesday, reelecting all incumbents on the ballot including eight city councilors and two school committee members. Even those elected already had connections with city government: Jim Leary, the new city councilor, was an incumbent school committee member; three of the four…

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