Lowell Waterways Vitality Initiative Update

Last night a big crowd packed Luna Theater at Mill No. 5 to hear the latest on the Lowell Waterways Vitality Initiative. After introductions by James Ostis of Lowell Heritage Partnership, Mayor Ed Kennedy spoke of the importance of festivals in Lowell. He said they are important in two ways:…

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Lowell City Council Meeting: January 31, 2017

Motion Responses Referendum on New High School – Councilor Belanger explains putting a referendum question on November ballot is fairly easy, but state timetable requires the city to make decisions earlier than would be needed to delay that decision until the November election. City Manager explains that the city has…

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‘Clarifying Moment’ (ATLANTIC)

Eliot A. Cohen writes in ATLANTIC magazine that we are in a “clarifying moment” in our national journey. Many conservative foreign-policy and national-security experts saw the dangers last spring and summer, which is why we signed letters denouncing not Trump’s policies but his temperament; not his program but his character.…

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Lowell Week in Review: January 29, 2017

Lowell and Refugees What troubles me most about the first week of the Trump Presidency is not the actions of the president—although I find many of them reprehensible. What troubles me is that so many Trump voters have cheered his every move. While we have always had disagreements about policy…

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Hidden Figures: A movie review

The 2017 Oscar nominations were recently announced and among the Best Picture nominees was Hidden Figures, a based-on-true-events film about three incredibly talented African-American women who worked at NASA in the early 1960s as the United States struggled to match the Soviets in the race to space. It is an…

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Where is the discussion?

Where is the discussion? By Mimi Parseghian The Massachusetts Legislature is about to give themselves a pay raise with little attention and public discussion. The House Leadership dusted off a 2014 report which made a number of recommendations for salary adjustments. This base salary of the State Reps and State…

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