More on Immigration Enforcement in Lowell

The following is from Mimi Parseghian More on Immigration Enforcement in Lowell By Mimi Parseghian In his report of the City Council meeting as well as his Sunday review, Dick has given a good recap of what occurred. I fully understand that under this highly charged political atmosphere the issue…

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Snow Reports: Feb. 12, 2017

Web photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (Credit: Bear Golden Retriever) My co-bloggers may pick up on this post, this thread, as the storm goes on. But my in the moment report is that here in The Flats (named for the many tenements in this borderland of Back Central, according to…

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Lowell Week in Review: February 12, 2017

Hamilton Canal District: Third Time’s the Charm? With all the attention given to the new Lowell High School project lately, news that WinnCompanies withdrew as the Master Developer of the Hamilton Canal District nearly slipped by unnoticed. This is unfortunate news, but not unexpected given the conflicting visions that have…

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Annual Kerouac Birthday Bash, March 11

Thanks to Steve Edington of Lowell Celebrates Kerouac, Inc., for the schedule of the upcoming annual Jack Kerouac Birthday Celebration. The schedule for the 2017 Kerouac Birthday Celebration in Lowell has been finalized. All events take place on Saturday, March 11 (the day before Jack’s birthday): 12:00 Noon: Pollard Memorial…

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