Lowell Week in Review: June 18, 2018

The City as a Classroom The City as a Classroom. That’s what Pat Mogan used to say. In the late 1990s, I interviewed Dr. Mogan several times to prepare for an LTC program which gave me some first-hand exposure into how he thought about Lowell. Mogan was a lifelong educator,…

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Bunker Hill Day

Today is Bunker Hill Day, the anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill which was fought on June 17, 1775. The anniversary used to have much more significance than it does now, which I suppose becomes the fate of most such anniversaries over time. That’s unfortunate, because history has so…

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Lowell Walks this Saturday

The topic of this Saturday’s Lowell Walk will be the Underground Railroad and Abolitionism in Lowell. It will be led by UMass Lowell history professor Bob Forrant and UMass Lowell graduate student Emily Yunes. It begins at 10 am at Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center at 246 Market Street.…

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Vesna Nuon Statement on Lowell High

Here is the statement on the Lowell High siting decision that city council candidate Vesna Nuon recently posted on his website: Statement on Lowell High School Vote By Vesna Nuon As a leader within the Southeast Asian community, as someone who cares deeply about this city, and as a father…

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Councilor Belanger statement on Lowell High vote

Councilor Corey Belanger released the following statement yesterday on the Lowell High site decision. He gave me permission to post it here: From City Councilor Corey Belanger: My statement to the citizens of Lowell regarding the location of Lowell High School First and foremost, I wish Councilor Samaras a quick…

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Lowell City Council Meeting: June 13, 2017

Note: Councilor Samaras was hospitalized last evening and is unable to be at this meeting. Consequently, the site selection vote on the new Lowell High School has been postponed from this evening. Communication from City Manager on upcoming Hamilton Canal event. June 21, 2017, DPD has organized a “targeted promotional…

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Councilor Samaras statement on Lowell High vote

City Councilor Bill Samaras shared the following statement on tonight’s vote on the Lowell High site selection: Statement on Lowell High School Vote by Councilor William Samaras The Lowell City Council has been tasked with one of the most important decisions it has faced in many years—the future of Lowell…

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