Lowell Week in Review: August 13, 2017

Congressional Election The big news this week – if you set aside the possibility of a nuclear exchange between North Korea and the United States – was the announcement by Niki Tsongas that she would not seek reelection to Congress in 2018. After Tsongas released her news this past Tuesday,…

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Lowell City Council Meeting: August 8, 2017

Communications Communication from Lowell Sustainability Council asking Mayor to join with other mayors in committing to the Paris Climate Accord. Also take up Councilor Samaras motion requesting City Council adopt a resolution entitled “The road to 100 percent clean renewable energy for the years 2035.” Jay Mason, chair of sustainability…

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Lowell Week in Review: August 6, 2017

City Election The late Paul Sullivan (of WBZ, WLLH, and Lowell Sun fame) used to say that between Independence Day and Labor Day, candidates for city office should go to Hampton Beach because in the summer, there are more Lowell voters there than there were in the city. I’m not…

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Kudos to Dick and Paul!

  Kudos to our blog founder Dick Howe and blog co-writer extraordinaire Paul Marion for the superb job editing the newly released blog book “History as It Happens: Citizen Bloggers in Lowell, Mass”. It is a privilege to be part of the blog and of this very unusual book. A…

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