Rikki Don’t Lose That Number

Rikki Don’t Lose That Number By David Daniel ~1~ We were a small, tight-knit crew of nine, linked by the dance that is youth. When high school graduation came, we didn’t want us to end. That autumn I went off to a small Christian college not far from home. The…

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Home for the Holidays: Cowboy Christmas

Home for the Holidays: Cowboy Christmas By Henri Marchand “The memories of childhood have no order, and no end,” wrote Dylan Thomas in Reminiscences of Childhood.  A popular holiday song claims that, “there’s no place like home for the holidays.”  These lines come to mind as my family prepares to…

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Call for Poets & Writers

SHELTER The Art of Caring: February 3-28, 2021 A Community Exhibit at the Arts League of Lowell Eligibility Writers & poets living or working in Lowell may submit one poem or flash fiction piece that speaks to the Shelter theme. Theme: SHELTER Shelter can be defined in many ways –…

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The Perfect Tree

A classic that we’ve posted previously . . .  The Perfect Tree by Henri Marchand  We begin the holiday season again engaged in a debate of vital importance.  It’s an annual and endless argument that we look forward to every December—what qualifies as the perfect Christmas tree?  Over the years…

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Our Newest Contributor: Louise Peloquin

BÉBÉ and Me by Louise Peloquin My mother lost her first child, a girl. Two years later, I showed up at Saint Joseph’s Hospital, another girl. Both my parents were thrilled with their strong, healthy child and gender didn’t weigh in on their love at first sight. The little girl…

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Pearl Harbor Day

Today is the 79th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which was the home port of the United State Pacific Fleet. At attack was a complete surprise and brought the United States into World War II. On December 7, 2017, I was the guest speaker at the Greater…

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State Elections in Lowell: 1970-2020

My latest book, State Elections in Lowell: 1970-2020, is now ready for purchase from the Lulu.com print-on-demand service. The book covers all Massachusetts state elections held during the past 50 years. For each election, the book shows candidate names and vote totals for all Federal and state offices that appeared…

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