Opening Day

Opening Day By Ed DeJesus My wife and I retired in Fort Myers, FL, home of the Red Sox spring training games played at Jet Blue Park, AKA Fenway South. With dimensions identical to Fenway Park, including the height of the Green Monster, the distance from home plate to all…

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Lowell Politics newsletter: March 31, 2024

The most significant news from Lowell City Hall last Tuesday night was not the City Council meeting, which was unremarkable, but from the Council’s Economic Development Subcommittee which met before the regular Council meeting. UMass Lowell Chancellor Julie Chen made a presentation to the subcommittee on the University’s “Lowell Innovation…

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“Annual demonstration of faith”

“Annual demonstration of faith” – (PIP #25) By Louise Peloquin       For 71 years, L’Etoile shone out of Lowell’s Little Canada to offer its readership local, regional, and international coverage of a wide variety of news items. Deemed just as newsworthy as scoops from abroad, community events were regularly…

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Lowell Politics newsletter: March 24, 2024

A small spurt of drama arose at an otherwise straightforward Lowell City Council meeting Tuesday night. It came from something that wasn’t even on the agenda, the status of the Lupoli Companies project in the Hamilton Canal District. About 90 minutes into the 105-minute meeting, Councilor John Descoteaux spoke up…

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Living Madly: Lost Time

Living Madly: Lost Time By Emilie-Noelle Provost Ever since I was old enough to understand how timekeeping works, I’ve hated Daylight Savings Time. Every year when we’re forced to “spring ahead” and move the clocks forward by an hour, I feel like I’ve been robbed. Having to get up an…

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