The Associated Press reported on President Obama’s comments about making progress on the national economic front, including the new financial regulations law. He also called on Congress to send him a bill that is intended to assist small businesses through tax credits. Looming over these steps forward, however, was the…
Last Friday, economist Paul Krugman wrote in the NYTimes about the comeback of “voodoo” economics, which the first President Bush tried to warn Americans about in 1980, when he was trying to stop Ronald Reagan from becoming the Republican Party’s nominee for president. And the rest is history, as they…
In a StateHouse News Bureau story reported in today’s Eagle Tribune, there are three legislator-perspectives on the current status of the Casino bill. From Senator Stan Rosenburg (D-Amherst), chief gambling bill negotiator for the Senate – still hopeful: Asked if he felt there might be an unbreakable impasse, Rosenberg said,…
One of the biggest questions in studying modern (post 1600) global history is why it was Europe and not China or India that became the dominant world power. From a purely statistical standpoint, the best money was on China up until even as late as 1800; it simply had greater…
Timothy Egan checks in with his latest NYTimes column, this one about heat waves, extreme weather, the reality of global warming, and the desperate need for smarter federal policies on energy. Read his views here, and consider subscribing to the NYT if you appreciate the writing. My household gets the…
Robert Scheer in the online Huffington Post says the GOP will pay politically for their double-standard on demanding pay-as-you-go for jobless benefits but not for their standard proposed upper tier tax cuts. Read his rant here, which I picked up from
E-mail from the Massachusetts Democratic Party Executive Director: I want to send you some great news: Our chair, John Walsh, is home and feeling fine. As you may have heard, he had what his doctors are calling a ‘mild” heart attack. He was released from South Shore Hospital today and…
Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking in Beijing, China in 1995 I would like to thank the Secretary General of the United Nations for inviting me to be part of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. This is truly a celebration – a celebration of the contributions women make in every…
Washington Post op-ed columnist Anne Applebaum blows off some steam in her latest column and says Americans are talking out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to “government.” Read her column here, and consider subscribing to the Post online if you appreciate the writing.
Our best wishes to Mass Dems Party Chair John Walsh as he recovers from an apparent mild heart attack. Dem activists in the Greater Lowell/Merrimack Valley area have a high regard for John Walsh and his commitment to the Democratic Party. From the MetroDesk of John Walsh, the chairman…