Back in December 2012, 56 people from Lowell came together to recite “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement Clark Moore. If the embedded video above doesn’t work HERE is a link to the video on YouTube.
This article, slightly revised, appeared first in Merrimack Valley Magazine in December 2021 when Covid had become part of daily life. Invited to write a piece about holiday time in the area, I dialed back to my childhood and later college years when downtown Lowell was a magnet for people…
This essay by Henri Marchand was first heard in 2008 as a radio essay on the “Sunrise” program of WUML, 92.5 FM, at UMass Lowell. Today we continue our tradition of reposting the essay each year at Christmas. The Perfect Tree By Henri Marchand We begin the holiday season engaged…
Chaz Scoggins on Leaving Baseball By David Daniel On a cool weekday morning in October, looking comfortably rumpled in jeans and T-shirt that reads “Brooklyn Wonders, Players League 1890,” Chaz Scoggins sits in the Purple Carrot café on Merrimack Street in Lowell and talks baseball. The MLB season isn’t over…
John Wooding shared the following: First Annual Recognition and Awards Ceremony Lowell City of Learning Please join us on November 10, 2022, at 5pm at the Richard & Nancy Donahue Academic Arts Centre at MCC, 240 Central Street in Lowell, for the presentation of the first Patrick J. Mogan Learning…
On Friday, October 21, 2022, the Lowell Waterways Vitality Initiative in partnership with Greater Lowell Community Foundation “lit up” the Joseph R. Ouellette Bridge. The initial bridge lighting was streamed live on the organization’s Facebook page and is archived there for on-demand viewing. In 1881, Lowell residents voted to add…
Halloween in the Highlands By Louise Peloquin October was an exciting month in the 60’s. Jack o’lanterns, corn stalks and old sheet ghosts set the scene. Prepping was taken very seriously in the run-up to the big day. For us cousins living in a two-family house, getting into the Halloween…
On Saturday, October 15, and on Sunday, October 16, both at 10 am, I’ll lead walking tours of historic Lowell Cemetery. Both tours will begin at the Knapp Avenue entrance and will last about 90 minutes. No need to register in advance, just show up. There’s plenty of parking inside…
As the FY2023 state budget was being finalized a few months ago, State Senator Edward Kennedy inserted the following language: “SECTION 55A. The Lowell Judicial Center in the city of Lowell shall be designated and known as the Cornelius F. Kiernan Judicial Center, in memory of the late honorable Cornelius…
This special post collects the remarks, readings, and music from the memorial service for Bob Martin of Lowell. Thanks to the contributors who gave permission to reprint their selections. The blog is sharing the proceedings to document the family and community recognition of Bob’s passing. He was one of…