
Lowell Week in Review: May 31, 2015

Years from now when someone is writing the history of Lowell in the twenty-first century, the week of May 23, 2015 will stand out.  I’m serious.  Consider the following issues that were all addressed by the City Council at Tuesday night’s meeting: Hamilton Canal District With last week’s news that…

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Lowell Week in Review: May 24, 2015

Hamilton Canal District This past Wednesday I drove to Springfield to speak to the Real Estate section of the Hamden County Bar Association about technology and the registry of deeds.  While the 40+ lawyers listened politely, the topic that created a buzz was the future Springfield casino.  They pointed out…

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Lowell Week in Review: May 17, 2015

It was another quiet council meeting this past Tuesday night which has been the norm since the snow melted. That might all change since the city’s FY16 budget should be out soon.  City Manager Murphy has done a good job of addressing the priorities of the city councilors and he…

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