
Folk Festival Notes

We were lucky about the weather, given the unsettled skies all weekend. Twenty-six years later, the event feels more like a street festival than a music and dance festival, which is fine. The audience is determining what the experience will be. Food from around the world, sidewalk entertainers, storefront buzz,…

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2012 Lowell Folk Festival

The 2012 Lowell Folk Festival ended several hours ago and I want to record my observations before they fade. My vantage point was different this year. I had volunteered to staff the Elizabeth Warren information table in the Free Speech area in front of Lowell City Hall. I was there…

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Meanderings by Jim Peters

Frequent contributor Jim Peters shares this essay: I was watching television this evening, the news on ABC to be exact, and Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of the City of New York was featured for a new program in the city. Bloomberg has, apparently, dictated that new mothers be given a…

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Leymah Gbowee Carries Olympic Flag in Opening Ceremony: Nobel Peace Prize Recipient and 2011 UMass Lowell Greeley Peace Scholar

From the NYTimes: Meanwhile, back at the stadium, the Olympic flag was carried along the track by eight humanitarians, including Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, and Leymah Gbowee, who shared the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize. Once they made a half-circuit of the stadium, they met a frail-looking Muhammad…

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New meets Old

Photo and text from Tony Sampas: Patrick O. Murphy, the 88th mayor of Lowell meets the 2nd Mayor of Lowell, Luther Lawrence (1778-1839), in the City of Lowell Council Chamber, July 25, 2012. Luther Lawrence was mayor from 1838 to 1839. The portrait is a reproduction of an oil painting…

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