In yesterday’s U.S. Senate special election primary for the Democrats, Ed Markey defeated Steve Lynch, 309,487 to 229,594 (57% to 43%). On the Republican side, Gabriel Gomez was victorious, receiving 96,072 votes (51%) to Michael Sullivan’s 67,756 (36%) and Danny Winslow’s 24,547 (13%). The above image which shows the town-by-town…
Join the 45-minute walking tour! Lowell Historical Society Edson Cemetery Tour (s) with Kim Zunino Saturday May 4, 2013 (Rain Date: Saturday May 18, 2013) 10:00am and 1:00pm Meet at the front gates! Edson Cemetery had its beginnings in 1845 when 30 acres were purchased along Gorham Street. Officially known…
Congratulations and thank you to the many people of all ages who helped build community gardens and cleaned up neighborhoods on a beautiful spring Saturday. I visited the garden-making sites in the Acre, where dozens of volunteers were banging together planting beds, hauling loads of fresh loam, clearing weeds and…
Lowell residents from across the city gathered yesterday to clean up, build beds, and get all ready for the growing season in five of Lowell’s Community Gardens: Franklin Court and Whiting Street in the Acre, Smith Street in the Lower Highlands, Rotary Club Park in Back Central, and West 3rd…
As a person who grew up in the general neighborhood – who travels Andover Street in Lowell daily and who had seen many changes over the years, I found this Public Notice both intriguing and concerning. The lot in question sits on the north side of Andover Street some four house…
“… The Boston & Maine system, and the N.Y., N.H., & H. Railroad run into and through the city, connecting it in every conceivable direction with the commerce of the world. The city is but 26 miles from Boston, and the trolley lines aid the steam roads in reaching the…
GSE Dean Anita Greenwood, Chancellor Marty Meehan ’78 , Honoree George Tsapataris ’77, Executive Vice-Chancellor Jackie Moloney ’75. ’92 (UMass Lowell – Office of University Advancement) Last Thursday evening in the midst of a very tough week it was heartening to spend time with members and supporters of the…
Web photo courtesy of WGBH 1. On Morning Joe today, Kenneth Feinberg, who has become the guru of victim compensation after unspeakable carnage, commented on the extraordinary charitable impulse of people, Americans and persons from outside the country. He said 50,000 people have contributed to the One Fund for victims…
Hearing the place-name Kyrgyzstan related to the family journey of the Tsarnaev brothers who attacked Boston made me think of a post I’d written a couple of years ago. I went into the vault to find it, and am re-running it here as an echo from the past and another…
Reminder for next GLAD Meeting Tomorrow! SATURDAY! Greater Lowell Area Democrats Regular Breakfast Meeting Saturday April 20, 2013 at 8:00 AM SHARP! Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel Rte. 110 in Chelmsford Please join us at this meeting of area Democrats. Marie Sweeney, GLAD Chair For more information: AGENDA: The regular…