This is a story that I wrote for the Khmer Post USA, a biweekly newspaper published in Lowell that serves the Cambodian community in the city and throughout the east coast. The paper is primarily written in Khmai, however, it does include some articles published in English, such as this…
“Highland Street Flowers” by Richard Marion (c) 2013 [painting, 1996) See more artwork at This one is for all the backyard gardeners who have had a summer of cut flowers to brighten their homes in our “Flowering City.”
Sayon Soeun, City Councilor Vesna Nuon, me, Vong Ros and Vanna Howard after enjoying a delicious lunch purchased from one of the many food vendors at the Southeast Asian Water Festival.
Tooch Van, a Cambodian-American resident of Lowell, shared the following poem: I am Tooch Van, an educator, a storyteller, a community activist, a husband and a daddy (Papa) of two boys: Winston and Franklin Van. I came from Cambodia to study in America at Middlesex Community College, Trinity College, Princeton…
From the several hours I spent along the banks of the Merrimack this afternoon, I would judge the 2013 Southeast Asian Water Festival to be one of the best yet. More than 75 vendors set up booths and, judging from the canopy tents the lined the Vandenberg Esplanade, the vendors…
Frequent contributor Jim Peters shared the following essay with us: Where to begin: Well, first let us begin with a truism, it is hard being related to a famous person because you live your life in the open and sometimes you lack privacy and some of the other essentials. I…
“Atlantic Fishing Boat” by Richard Marion (c) 2013 See more artwork at This one is for everyone going to the coast for August vacation. Salisbury, Plum Island, Hampton Beach, Seabrook, Rye, Ogunquit, Rockport, Kennebunkport, York, Portsmouth, Kittery, Wells, Newburyport, Gloucester. . .
August 12, 2013 – Monday 369 Aiken Ave Unit 17 for $110,500 (2002 for $134,900) 820 Bridge St Unit 6 for $100,000 (2009 for $70,000) 14 Llewellyn St for $90,000 (1999 for $144,900) 18 Delard St for $147,000 (1959) August 13, 2013 – Tuesday 98 Avon St for $200,00 (2008…
In other words, Happy Water Festival. The Southeast Asian Water Festival, a Lowell institution since 1997, takes place tomorrow along the banks of the Merrimack River on the Vandenberg Esplanade. There will be continuous entertainment from the stage at the Sampas Pavilion and plenty of food and merchandise vendors. Community…
This is the third in a series of posts that look at the voters of Lowell. The first broke down all registered voters by gender, party and age. The second analyzed the 9500 or so people who voted in the 2011 city election. Today’s post will look at those who…