Current Events

Lowell Tweet-Up Tonight

Anyone interested in social media in Lowell should stop by Ward Eight, the (relatively) new restaurant & pub at 280 Central Street (at the corner of Central and Green in the former JJ Turner’s Pub) at 5:30 tonight. Many of the city’s most active Twitter users will be gathering there…

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Antiques Roadshow Has a Boston Episode – The Lowell Connection

Today’s Boston Globe has a story about PBS’s Antiques Roadshow and the Boston episode which features – among other finds – a painting hanging in the city of Boston’s Parkman House.  A photo accompanying the article shows Mayor Tom Menino, the quite familiar Skinner appraiser Colleene Fesko and an Aldro Hibbard painting of a snowy…

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Why we crave sugar

In a New York Times Op-Ed yesterday, Daniel Lieberman, a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard, offers an evolutionary explanation for our obesity epidemic and provides some context for the ongoing debate over limiting or taxing portion sizes of sugary soft drinks and other sweets. The essay is not…

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Memorials vs Museums

Sunday’s New York Times has a very interesting article about the difficulties faced in establishing a Sept 11 Museum in New York City. While it sounds like the museum commission has been totally inclusive in soliciting opinions from all involved, emotions are still too raw and still too diverse to…

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The National Anthem and the Media

When the National Anthem was being sung wonderfully by a young woman from Springfield to open this morning’s Democratic State Convention, I and all the delegates I could see where standing and facing the colors. The same was not the case in the press box according to this Tweet from…

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