Current Events

Hurricane Sandy edition

Not much to report thus far today (Monday, October 29, 2012). The rain has fallen as a heavy mist/light rain since last evening. The wind which was a steady breeze yesterday and this morning is now a constant low growl outside the window. Almost all schools were cancelled today. The…

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The web gives us disturbance, uproar, commotion, and confusion for synonyms of “turmoil”—words that fit both the weather forecast and political forecast. A storm is not really an outside force since we are in nature, but there’s a sense that something is coming to get us, to make trouble on…

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Got generators?

After losing power for five days after last Halloween’s snowstorm, I vowed to get a generator before the next major weather event. I procrastinated a bit but last week, well before any talk of Hurricane Sandy, is began serious shopping. Here’s a photo I took at Lowe’s on Chelmsford St…

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