Current Events

The Royal Wedding

On the rare occasion I’m watching TV these days, nothing will cause me to change the channel faster than a story on the Royal Wedding. I don’t mean to sound curmudgeonly, but who cares? My negativity is not the result of my Irish heritage nor some kind of popular embrace…

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First Mayor of Lowell – Dr. Elisha Bartlett

  Dr. Elisha Bartlett – First Mayor of Lowell Massachusetts. Portrait in Oil – Thomas Bayley Lawson. Portraits of forty-one former mayors have been hung in the City Hall in tribute.  This presentation is part of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Lowell’s incorporation as a city. Do not miss the Jen Myers…

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Flip video camera: RIP

I was an early adopter of the Flip video camera. Small, simple and inexpensive, the Flip yielded many interesting videos for me. I’ve urged many people to buy one of their own. Flip’s popularity was confirmed two years ago when Cisco, the wildly successful computer networking company purchased Flip for…

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20% down to buy a house

A Washington Post article reprinted in yesterday’s Globe reported that the Obama administration and federal regulators are proposing that federally backed mortgages in the future only be granted to borrowers who are able to make a down payment of 20% of the purchase price. With the median US house price…

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