Current Events

In the Merrimack Valley – New Hampshire: Forum on the Future ~ Politics in America

Those of you politicos who thrive on cross-boarder trips into New Hampshire during the presidential political season – might be interested in a Forum on the Future presentation scheduled for January 9, 2012 at the NH Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH. The discussion –  “Renewing America’s Political…

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Basketball First Played on This Day

As the delayed season of the National Basketball Association  is now underway – MassMoments reminds us that on this day – December 21, 1891 – the game of basketball as designed by James Naismith was first played at what is known today as Springfield College in Massachusetts. As Naismith nailed a peach basket to the lower rail of a balcony in…

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Sunrise, sunset

This coming Wednesday is the shortest day of the year daylight-wise, so I was surprised last week when it seemed that the days were getting longer. Someone more science-minded than me explained that it wasn’t just my imagination. While the total amount of daylight continues to diminish until Wednesday, sunset…

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