Author Archive

Why I won’t be shopping at Target

Last winter in the “Citizens United” case, the US Supreme Court ruled that banning corporate spending on behalf of political candidates was unconstitutional. Many fear that the resulting flow of corporate money into political campaigns will further tilt the balance in American society away from the individual and towards big…

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Campaign signs going up

Driving home from work tonight I spotted a couple of “Jon Golnik for Congress” signs and one “Chris Doherty for State Senate.” For those of us who’ve been involved in Lowell politics for a while, it may seem early for lawn signs, but that’s because the city used to have…

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1996 State Election

Here’s my recap of the 1996 State Election. I’ve added this to our Elections Page for ease of retrieval in the future. Bill Clinton’s reelection led the ballot in 1996. His Republican opponent, Bob Dole, had won his party’s nomination despite finishing second in the Massachusetts Republican Primary that March.…

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Folk Festival – the day after

Some observations about this year’s Lowell Folk Festival from a casual observer (me) who can remember the first one many years ago: The many performance sites – Boarding House Park, JFK Plaza, Lee Street Stage, St Anne’s, Market Street Stage and Dutton Street Dance Pavilion – make the festival more…

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