Author Archive

Lowell Open Studios

This little companion has awakened from a deep and restful sleep, and is eager to keep a watchful eye out for you. (Note accompanying Sherwood (shown above) purchased today at Hungate Sculpture and Design at Western Avenue Studios in Lowell). I gave up on the Patriots during their fourth preseason…

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“Pigskin Press Pass”

I’ve become a big fan of WCAP’s Friday night high school football program called the “Pigskin Press Pass.” Ted Panos and Mike Flynn quarterback the coverage from the downtown Lowell studios and field calls through the night from correspondents – students, interns, parents, fans – who call in from games…

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Names of the Dead

Last week I attended a lecture at UMass Lowell by BU Professor Andrew Bacevich who discussed his views of Washington and the US military. Bacevich’s harshest criticism was directed at how our country and its leadership handled the Iraq War. He said that unless someone knows someone in the military,…

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Car Independence, Part II

Last month Lowell attorney Matt Donahue wrote about his plan to “shed his car.” Thirty days into the experiment he files this report: 30 Day Report: Lowell Environmental Attorney Tries to Declare Car Independence! Part 2 Well, the first reaction is of course the caliber of the Richard Howe Blog.…

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City Hall by moonlight

Tony Sampas captured these photos of Lowell City Hall last evening. How many times through the history of that building has someone inside muttered “there must be a full moon tonight” – frequently, I suspect. If anyone said that today, you were right.

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