Author Archive

Elizabeth Warren and the 95.77%

The monsoon-like weather that washed across the Commonwealth didn’t keep 3,554 delegates from attending the 2012 Democratic State Convention in Springfield today. The biggest story will have to be the mammoth vote for Elizabeth Warren – she got 95.77% of the delegates – and the concurrent failure of Marisa DeFranco…

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Tweeting the Democratic Convention

I’ve long been an advocate of Twitter, especially for breaking news. Twitter certainly got a workout within the Mass Mutual Center today at the Democratic State Convention as delegates, journalists and campaigns tweeted rapid fire updates. For all of you not on Twitter, below is a slightly edited (i.e., where…

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The National Anthem and the Media

When the National Anthem was being sung wonderfully by a young woman from Springfield to open this morning’s Democratic State Convention, I and all the delegates I could see where standing and facing the colors. The same was not the case in the press box according to this Tweet from…

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National Donut Day

The first Friday in June is National Donut Day. While not a regular element of my diet, donuts are a welcome treat on occasion. They’re also nostalgic making me think of places in Lowell like Mary-Lou’s on Chelmsford Street or Eat-a-Donut at Liberty and School. Today, we have places like…

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Tree trimming

For some reason I tuned into the local TV news last night and caught a segment from a town meeting somewhere west of Boston where residents and members of the board of selectmen where chastising National Grid for “butchering” the town’s trees. One citizen speaking at the meeting microphone but…

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Lowell and the World War

Earlier today the Greater Lowell Veterans’ Council held its Memorial Day Service at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Besides the many veterans groups in attendance, the following elected officials were also there: Congresswoman Niki Tsongas, State Senator Eileen Donoghue, State Representatives Tom Golden and Dave Nangle, Mayor Patrick Murphy and City…

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