Author Archive

Regional Transportation Plan and Survey

The Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) is one of 13 statutorily-created regional transportation agencies in Massachusetts.  Member communities of NMCOG are Lowell, Billerica, Chelmsford, Dracut, Dunstable, Pepperell, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, and Westford.  Its headquarters is at 40 Church St, Suite 200 in Lowell and its executive director is Beverly Woods. …

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Lowell City Council Meeting: March 17, 2015

All councilors present at start of meeting despite it being St. Patrick’s Day. BUDGET – FY16 budget update from City Manager.  First of many reports.  Predicated on department head “wish lists” which will be trimmed down by fiscal realities.  In response to Councilor Milinazzo question, Manager concedes that the city’s…

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Lowell St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

Congratulations to State Senator Eileen Donoghue and City Manager Kevin Murphy for successfully transitioning the 30-something year old Lowell St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast to an evening dinner.  The UMass Lowell Inn and Conference Center was packed with all the usual Lowell and Greater Lowell political suspects.  The high point for…

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Lowell Week in Review: March 15, 2015

For too long our daily outside temperature was locked in the teens and any precipitation was unquestionably snow. Yesterday’s rain seemed odd, unusual, almost difficult to comprehend.  It and the warmer temperatures are signs of spring and the rapidly receding snow offers hope that soon we’ll be able to enjoy…

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Report from the 2015 Acre Forum

Congratulations to the Lowell Irish Cultural Committee for an outstanding Acre Forum last evening at the United Teen Equality Center (UTEC).  The forum featured a panel discussion from representatives of the many groups that have called the Acre home since the 1820s.  The panelists were Garrett Sheehan representing the Irish…

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“Meanderings about Surgery” by Jim Peters

Frequent contributor Jim Peters recently underwent a serious medical procedure but we know that he’s bounced back quickly since he’s now submitted a blog post about the experience: I have come to some very specific ideas about being operated on by very good doctors.  I recently had surgery with Dr.…

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