The following real estate sales took place in Lowell last week: December 14, 2015 – Monday 147 Bunker Hill AVe for $237,000. Prior sale in 1957 39 Plummer Ave for $265,000. Prior sale in 2004 for $315,000 December 15, 2015 – Tuesday 140 Bowers St Unit 9 for $159,900. Prior…
Jim Peters continues his series of posts on the history of education in Lowell: I have often written that little changes in the targets of proficiency and curricular adaptation. The courses taught in the 1860’s, if you have been reading my blog, were virtually the same as those offered today. …
Thanks to Vincent Valentine, founder of The Telephone Museum, for the following blog post: Recently, we set the wayback machine to April 19TH, 1878 and went to Lowell, MA. We found Charles Jasper Glidden and his brother J. Clark Glidden on a roof top with what seemed to be hundreds…
Vote to cancel council meetings of December 22 and December 29, 2015. Report on how to change the City Charter. Councilor Belanger asks about raising the number of signatures needed to qualify for a ballot position. City Solicitor Christine O’Connor says the same process occurs no matter what type of…
Fred Faust, principal of The Edge Group, Inc., a real estate brokerage and consulting firm, shares the following essay: This is a series about people in the Greater Lowell area who have taken initiative and achieved special things. Feel free to suggest others who should be so recognized and have…
Above photos: Tuesday was the earliest sundown of the year. Since sunrise keeps coming later until December 21, at least it is already staying lighter longer in the day, if only for just a minute or two each day. This photo is from Monday at 4:15 pm (Tuesday was cloudy)…
Several years ago I wrote a blog post about a fire at Providence College early in the morning of December 13, 1977. The original post now has more than 50 comments, many of them from people who were there that evening. On this anniversary of this event, please take a…
The following real estate sales took place in Lowell last week: December 7, 2015 – Monday 401-403 Beacon St for $350,000. Prior sale in 1964 50 Liberty St Unit 4 for $165,500. Prior sale in 2003 for $169,900 157 Rea St for $328,000. Prior sale in 1985 December 8, 2015…
This Saturday, December 12, 2015, the Lowell Historical Society will hold a program on Lowell History Since World War II at 2 p.m. at the Pollard Memorial Library’s Community Room. Paul Marion and I will be the main speakers. We will both discuss the past seventy years of our city’s…