Lowell School Committee vs City of Lowell The full name of the case is Lowell School Committee versus City of Lowell, by and through its City Manager and the Lowell City Council, Docket Number 1781CV02593. It was filed in Middlesex Superior Court on August 31, 2017, and was assigned to…
This is the 20th weekly installment of my Lowell in World War One series which commemorates the centennial of the entry of the United States into World War One. Here are the headlines from one hundred years ago this week: August 27, 1917 – Monday – Many Lowell people visit…
MSBA Defers Lowell High Decision The Massachusetts School Building Authority’s Board of Directors took up the Lowell High School project on Wednesday. The relevant item on the agenda said “recommendation for preferred schematic design for the city of Attleboro, the city of Fall River, the town of Harvard, the city…
Response to Council Motions Maintenance of school and city boilers. City Manager Murphy says he has engaged the Collins Center at UMass Boston to do a study on options the city has for building maintenance, whether it involves combining school and city maintenance departments, outsourcing it, or some other option.…
Elected to the Lowell City Council in 1971 as a 20-year old Lowell State College student, Gail Dunfey lost her 1973 reelection campaign, but as this brochure from that 1973 election makes clear, she went down fighting. Although she only served one term on the council, Dunfey is a key…
This is the 19th weekly installment of my Lowell in World War One series which commemorates the centennial of the entry of the United States into World War One. Here are the headlines from one hundred years ago this week: August 20, 1917 – Monday – French continue to conduct…
Update on New Lowell High School On Wednesday, the School Committee voted to hire an outside law firm to pursue a judicial answer to the question of who has the legal authority to select the site of a new or renovated high school, the city council or the school committee.…
Today’s Globe has a great story about August 18, 1967, the night the Red Sox star right fielder and Massachusetts-native Tony Conigliaro was hit by a pitch, a fastball, in the face and suffered a devastating injury. I still have clear memories of that night and even wrote about it…
This is the 18th weekly installment of my Lowell in World War One series which commemorates the centennial of the entry of the United States into World War One. Here are the headlines from one hundred years ago this week (and from last week too): August 13, 1917 –…
Congressional Election The big news this week – if you set aside the possibility of a nuclear exchange between North Korea and the United States – was the announcement by Niki Tsongas that she would not seek reelection to Congress in 2018. After Tsongas released her news this past Tuesday,…