Bat in Chelmsford Library

Here is a perfect example of a hyperlocal video. Our staff noticed a bat just hanging out in the library. We called Animal Control, but they were already closed for the day, so our maintenance man took care of it. An hour later, he was still hanging on the net…

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Uncle Dave Kind of Likes Obama’s Jobs Surge Plan

In today’s NYTimes, opinion writer David Brooks signs on to President Obama’s jobs surge plan outlined last night in a pumped-up speech to Congress and his fellow Americans. Brooks writes: There is clearly now a significant risk of a double-dip recession. That would be terrible for America’s workers, fiscal situation…

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UMass Lowell 9/11 Memorial Rededication

UMass Lowell conducted a dignified and inspirational rededication of the school’s 9/11 memorial today along the banks of the Merrimack River. Called “Unity”, the student designed memorial was initially dedicated on May 14, 2004 and sits along the Riverwalk on the University’s East Campus. “Unity” resembles a short granite cylinder…

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Ayer Lion gets a cleaning at Lowell Cemetery

The iconic Ayer Lion, the Lowell Cemetery resting place of patent medicine millionaire James C Ayer, underwent a major restoration this summer. The lion’s new look (above) is quite different than its former appearance (below) which showed the effects of rain, pollution and the natural aging process. A great opportunity…

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